NSSBE Blumberg Hall
A 2007 master-plan study for this 88,000sf facility, outlined the need for, revised planning adjacencies, code improvements, services upgrades, circulation analysis etc. The ongoing scope of services include comprehensive improvements to the social hall, the lounge adjacent to the main sanctuary, and parts of the annex wing. Our aim is to ensure that each aesthetic decision cohesively addresses the larger needs of the masterplan. The completed Blumberg Hall facilities have dramatically transformed a major component of the east wing. The project has been published in the Chicago Tribune-local edition
CSA Partners completed a gut-rehab of a approx.. 10,000sf multi-purpose and social hall. We transformed the space from an inward looking structure to large glazing vistas to enjoy the lake abutting the property. The kitchen and prep areas were also re-designed and renovated.
Date: Completed August 2013
Client: North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
Key People: Cyrus Subawalla, Sangwan Seo